News & Information: Designed to prevent the Government to strike Anna

Designed to prevent the Government to strike Anna

New Delhi.Ombudsman Bill team is growing confrontation between Anna and the government.Ombudsman of the common draft rather different - different resolutions opposing the draft Anna Hazare has announced today that they will strike again from August 16.The Government is clear from the tone of the time, he will not sit on a hunger strike to Anna.June 30 Ombudsman in any case, the promulgation of the draft Bill, the Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram said, "the law of any country are made in the debate and conversation, not the fast-.

Anna team on Thursday attacked the government's sharp share the Committee's three senior government minister Chidambaram, Kapil Sibal and Salman Khursheed lowered into the ground.Team Anna and the Ombudsman on behalf of the government reneging on its promises to the "Jokpal" cut, including the allegations against the government, civil society, government, all political parties rather than trying to put on the front.The team started the attack on behalf of Anna Hazare.Anna said that the Government has wasted time in the name of joint committee meetings.

He alleged that the government does not want to discuss, the meeting on Wednesday, he said that everything should be settled through negotiations.But instead of discussing the government's judgments.So they "hold fast to start again from August 16.Attack on the Government's attitude, he said, "Swami Ramdev had done the same movement forced the government to break the - twist.Can be prepared for us by the government are similar.But we do not regret.When we were ready to die, then what sticks, are ready for the shot. "Meanwhile, Anna's colleague Arvind Kejriwal is a spoof on the government to come if the Ombudsman would be half the leader in jail.

The minister, Sibal and Salman trilogy of political mobilization against the civil society began.Answer every question raised on behalf of civil society, he said something that just is not over.He rejected talk of the two drafts.The three ministers turn - turn the draft two are not repeated.Not only will both parties agree on issues, but civil society and government we have appointed five ministers from different parties - the Government will be kept separate.He has - again reiterated that the Prime Minister from the Ombudsman to cover all the complex questions of political opinion at all - will be decided only after Msvire.Anna's fast and his team announced the objectionable language of the people, stating "with the talks - with the threat can not."
She shared the team meeting on Monday that seeks to join.Interact with the three ministers said they also bring a strong bill, the nation will see that transparency is a good thing.

Ombudsman: Tu - I

1.Government's war - 40 million employees of central government and states an estimated 20 million.Ombudsman will monitor how many people?
The team hit back to Anna - The monitoring system is now, we simply are asking only to the independent Ombudsman.

2.The team of Anna-wise - do not discuss the government tells only decision
The government's counterattack - draft law around the world are formed.Of fast are not made anywhere.

3.The team of Anna Wise - Why is hiding the audio tapes of meetings?
The government's counterattack - we have declassified the meeting in writing.The purpose of this meeting so we can not run channels.

4.The team of Anna-wise - is to know the public opinion poll conducted.
The government's counterattack - the first thing to learn is what the referendum.Polls can be taken on any issue, but a referendum on the law how many points can be tricky?

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