News & Information: Sathya Sai millions of gold found in the room

Sathya Sai millions of gold found in the room

Puttaprthy.Sathya Sai Baba's ashram in Puttaparthi, millions of his private room, cash, gold and silver is found.

On Friday, the Pacific Nilayam Trust opened the lock of his private room in which more than half rupees one hundred and ten million cash, 98 kg, 317 kg of gold and silver is found.

This is stuff that Sathya Sai Baba's followers had given them.SBI This property has been stored in a locker at the ashram.

The tax value of the gold and silver exactly, are gearing up to assess.

The room Sathya Sai since being admitted to the hospital was closed.Media reports are worth millions in cash and gold hidden in the room were going to be speculation.Sai Trust to open the room between the family members were unable to agree.Some wanted to be opened in the presence of Sathya Sai devotees to their room.

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